Wednesday, February 1, 2012

My Teacher

Every day you continue to amaze me

every day you teach me something new

Today I had to stop and think as I caught a glimpse of you

I was just cleaning the house going on about my day

And in the corner of my eye, I saw you……dancing in my way

I just went with my instinct and yelled at you to move

Never mind how that would make you feel

I just had too many things to do

That day I folded the laundry, washed the dishes, and vacuumed the floor

I went to work and came home, to find you sleeping behind a closed door

I never got a chance to tell you, I loved you and good night

Instead I sat alone and admired the house that looked so nice

Why didn’t I just take that minute when you were dancing in my way

To put the laundry down and dance with you that day?

I’m supposed to be your teacher but so many times you end up teaching me

Life is about those little moments……..I now take the time to see.

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